Part 57: Cleopatra Jones and the Quest to Get HIgh
Cleopatra Jones and the Quest to Get HIghLast time on Tyranny we fought our way into the Disfavored's camp, where Graven Ashe hid behind his men like a coward and sent them all to their deaths because he thought they were useless assholes. We completely destroyed the Disfavored forever, as without their Great Leader they had no motivation or selves whatsoever.
Today we wrap up some loose ends.

As you might imagine, Killsy has some stuff to say about the death of her most hated enemy.

Please don't involve Cleo in any of those things.

Lady, we killed Ashe so hard all the Disfavored died. Except Barik.

And we're off.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Damn, Archon, you're fine today! We murdered Graven Ashe and it ruled! I just wish we could have hurt him more than exposing him as a liar and a fraud and killing him in front of his men. We could have made him watch Batman vs Superman, or something!
: Hmm...any good hunts lately?
: Murdered a whole pack of those Chorus assholes!

Hilariously, murdering Graven Ashe does not get us max wrath. Oh well.

I swap out Killsy for Lantry, both to prepare for his Annal Sects quest (ugh) and to read the runes in the Oldwalls.

I'll spare you the long and uninteresting backtracking and get to the details: we grab the Sigil of Timeless Form III (duration) and the Sigil of Stunning (electrical spells can stun on hit) from the Blade Grave, and the level four strength sigil from the Lethian's Crossing one. There are some Bane and backtracking. What more do you want?

Along the way I research the last Edict. It's kind of an odd one - it vaguely implies that we can discriminate between friend and foe, so I don't know if this works like the chain letters where if you like Cleo attractive people bump into you on the street and offer you free money but if you hate her you trip on your toilet and die.

Our reward for bringing the Blade Grave torchkey to the Crossing is... a poison recipe. Wow.

I end up starting the Scales of Mercy for the hell of it. It's another artifact we don't need, but why not?

I also grab Eb because I really don't want to take Sirin along for Annal Sects. This turns out to be the correct decision.

Lantry is less willing to entertain the idea now.

Sirin's just trolling us here.

Eb that's even worse than Sirin.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Hail, Archon! You're becoming like the Overlord!
: Are you sure there's no one el-
: Nope.
: I'm nothing like her -
: Him lolololol!
: You say that now, but you have a TON of power and that tends to corrupt. Well, Terratus is going to become a nightmare if you and Kyros start throwing Edicts around. At least I don't have this power, or I'd become Eb, Archon of Sexy Times! Woo!

We get this random encounter to hunt a giant snake. I oblige, in the secret yet forlorn hope that the game will give us something interesting to fight. Unfortunately it's a subterfuge followed by a frost magic check, that gives us two pieces of raw meat I will forget and never use. Moving on!

More evidence that Kyros planned to discard the Disfavored as soon as they were either broken or no longer useful. Graven Ashe really was a big moron.

We are an Archon, we can spare a little.

That's the statue from the beginning of the game that was weeping blood as we were sent in to put down the rebellion.

Thus we can go back to the very beginning of the game.

We are accosted by... DARK BANE!

Seriously, they're just normal bane that have names like "Dark Wisp" and are more annoying to deal with. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be our Edict making everyone have crazy thoughts, Barik overcoming his massive mental resistance to no longer be Ashe's abuse victim, or what?

After the second-to-last trash mob fight of this playthrough, we're given the option to leap across, have Barik toss us, or use Barik as a bridge. There is no reason to not leap the gap unless your Athletics is trash or you want to be an asshole.

I also feel I'm missing the symbolism here - is the idea to rub in that freeing Barik from his fascist convictions could only be done after he realized the blood he shed? I get the statue weeping blood when Kyros invaded, is it some kind of baptism?

Geez, lady! Keep your pants on!

There's not much we can do, as we're not a hardcore enough healer or liar, so...


This is a painful process, both physically as we get Barik out of the armor, and metaphorically as we strip away the memories of Dear Leader to reveal he's a lying fraud.

Hope you all wanted naked Barik, goons.

Barik. You just got a baptism in blood that removed the unjust metaphorical hold of Ashe and Kyros. Dude...

Barik, remember when Graven Ashe told me to kill your sister in front of you?

It's an artifact axe, so, yes, it is. The only problem I have with this deal is that she didn't bother telling us about it, but some ruined scrap armor (admittedly, probably magical) for an artifact axe and freeing Barik? Score.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Holy shit, you're back! How!
: It's gonna take more than some incompetents to stop me!
: Fair. You killed Graven Ashe, holy shit! I think we can get Barik out of that armor now, but we need a barrel of royal blood.
: How about a trolley? I know a girl in Numenera, she coul-
: How about that crying queen statue from the beginning of the game?
: Should work. Go get me some.
: OoOoOoOoH! DaAaRrRk BAaAnNeE!
: Here you go.
: OWWW IT HURTS! OW! Hey, it's gone! No clothes! Woo!
: Nevertheless, I feel extremely bad because Ashe is dead.
: Well, I'm keeping the shitstained armor, but I made you a sweet artifact axe, we cool?
: That rules, thanks!

Meet Hobo Barik. We can't progress with the quest until the next event procs, so we're going to have to ...go do Lantry's. I am really not looking forward to this.

We can finally kit out Barik in all that heavy armor we've had no use for all game, when we might have seriously done the last of our boss fights. You'll see.

This is the event we want.

Eb, we all heard you say you would bang Barik during that game, we know your real motivation.

Let's try subtlety.

Goddammit Barik. I guess we order him.

This is how Barik reacts when an attractive woman tells him to get naked.

Meet Clean Barik!

Let's go into Lantry's house.

These stupid assholes show up to waste our time with the game's last trash fight. Just...go away! You don't need to die painfully at the hands of three mages with focused rain spells, one of whom is an Archon. Just fuck off!

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
It's time to waste MORE time with a trash fight, princess!
: You cross dress ONE TIME!

They die. Moving on!

It's another one of those deals where you click the room for descriptions to proceed. Lantry left some dank weed behind and regrets it. He likes birdwatching, and has a ton of books.

Rather telling that Lantry swears by Kyros despite us being all but in open rebellion against her. Him. Whoever.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Let me take like six hours to decipher the secret code. Done!
: What is this, and why are we doing it?
: Lol it's a surprise.

Oh no. Oh, NO! Now do you see why I left Sirin behind?

Dammit Lantry!
Actually, there are many ways you can be a dick to him I learned per reddit you can apparently torture the Sigil of Life out of him then leave him to die in the Chorus camp so you know what, the man's been through enough shit. Whatever floats your boat.
I am kind of disappointed about all the lying.

Yeah...we're super high now!

Oh dammit!

"A calm of tranquil haze", huh.
So this is the Flashback Drug, which is why what I do in the next five minutes made some sense at the time.

He does have a point.

Clearly not Lantry, you tied him to a stake and were going to eat him.

I'm convinced Chiasmus is the other Chorus agent, just from that last line. There's no real evidence either way, and it doesn't matter.
The Scrivener's Eye, by the way, is the Lantry-only accessory we picked up from the library.

I'm assuming this was a consensual relationship as the Fatebinder doesn't react to Calio with horror, but who knows? It does confirm the vibes I got before the DLC came out that Calio was into the player.

Oh dammit, Lexeme! You dragged us into that DLC shithole!

Considering how smart Lantry and Cleo are, this is high praise.

Huh. So Bleden Mark isn't common knowledge, good to know.

The Conquest posted:

This is just such a weird inclusion. We knew that Lantry was a spy for Nerat, but he's never really given us the idea that he's a con artist or particularly shifty. He went around and did adventures for the Sages, sure, and they stole Eb's tidecasting, but there's nothing that really screams that he's untrustworthy or unscrupulous. He gets very upset at cruelty.

She's still alive and down there, you know. We sentenced her to help with the Sleepless, and she seemed pretty lucid.
Incidentally, the achievement in the corner is for doing this quest. Only 1.5% of Steam Tyranny players completed it. Draw your own conclusions.

I'll say. That lady seemed smart and the Lexeme we met was a total idiot.

OUCH. Let's leave option four alone, I doubt either of us would like that particular dialog.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: The joke's on you, player! I came here to get REALLY HIGH! Now... to the flashback zone!
: It's a-me, Neratio! I'm recruiting Lantry for the Chorus! Also, just an FYI, I can talk in this spooky dream, and fuck you, Cleo!
: This sure is a flashback. Who's next?
: Hey! It's me, the leader of the Sages you've never heard of! It's all going to be fine! We don't need to worry about Kyros! Fuck you, Lantry!
: But -
: Ahh that's a relaxing fart. It's all gonna be fine. Next!
: Remember me? I'm good at magic, and I'm gonna stay to chronicle Kyros' invasion! w00t! Also, that princess scam you pulled was hilarious!
: But -
: Thank you for that, Archon. I needed to come to grips with my past somehow. But I also wanted to see Lexeme again, as I remembered her, not as part of some shoddily written DLC writing bad histories about a Nerat festival that no one would care about. Let's go.
I'm not really sure how to feel about this quest. The idea that Lantry would seek solace in drugs to try to make sense of his past is spot on for him, but they don't really do anything we haven't seen before. We knew he spied for Nerat, we knew he tried to get the Sages to surrender, failed, and Kyros had Cleopatra rain fire upon the Citadel. We knew he had a relationship with Lexeme and that she was good at magic. We honestly learn more about the player character (Calio had a maybe consensual sexual thing with them and Bleden Mark's training is from hell) than we do about Lantry. I like Lantry as a character, and really feel he was done wrong by these DLC quests.

I decide to go for Round 2 semi-blind, figuring we'll see something about the Fatebinder's past we haven't seen before. This is a mistake.

Oh no.

Barik and Graven Ashe dancing?


Oh shit! Tunon's got MOVES!

I guess we're all naked now, except Barik. See, the code to remove everyone's equipment is bugged, so weapon slots 3 and 4 (which you unlock via Fatebinder talents) isn't removed, and Barik seems to be immune to everyone's great joy.

I... I don't want to know.

NOPE. The worst part is that there's no saved loadouts, so not pictured is me going through all the random vendor trash I have and re-equipping everyone with artifacts. I'm not sure if this makes Lantry a borderline date rapist or what the fuck this is! It's implied that it's just naked dancing, then there's that status effect... look, every time this game tries to introduce sexuality it just comes off as broken or juvenile. It's not like 100 Years of Solitude or something where the family's incestuous ways ultimately damn them and show how fucked up they are, it's shit like Rape Math.
Moving on! We have one final dialogue with Barik.

Absolutely fucking not.

Barik's not fully out of the woods. It's hard to come to terms with the fact that all of your life - where everyone around you told you were an honorable and good person - was spent in the service of evil.

He's not wrong! We've been double-crossing both of Kyros' armies, the Court of Tunon to a lesser extent, and possibly the Unbroken.

I'm really curious to see what this is. We know Barik's dad is a dishonorable asshole who cheated on his wife and abandoned Verse. We know Ashe was a gutless coward who sacrificed scores of his men to postpone his death slightly.

My guess is we're supposed to believe that these guys talked a better game than they actually performed and that some value is in their words.
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Everything I worked for is shit garbage. What do I do now? Can I even trust you, because you're unscrupulous?
: I could use some help and guidance.
: Ok.
With that we have nothing else to do in this run. I guess we could dick around and research stuff, but I don't care and neither should you. We're already crazy powerful, let's go talk to Bleden Mark.

Bleden Mark is not fucking around now. No more free exposition or sword practice.

A lot of people complain about how you're railroaded into opposing Kyros, but what did you think was going to happen? Kyros rewards loyalty with death, from the very first character we met (Aurora) to the deaths of Nerat and Graven Ashe. Cleopatra's adventures have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the Empire stands for nothing but its own power. There is no other option at this point - we either face Tunon and Kyros, or perish.

Let's at least take the option that doesn't make us look like a dumbass. Do you think Bleden Mark offering to help us fight Tunon and Kyros isn't recognition? Do you think we have a choice to not fight the Overlord? What do you think that dagger means?

Bleden Mark can't go back either now - I would imagine Tunon or Kyros would know instantly what this means.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Are you a bad enough dude to accept my services and take on Tunon AND Kyros?
: Yes.
: So be it. Shit just got real. Next time you see me, we will fight Tunon.
Next time: Cleopatra faces the consequences of her actions.